QR for package and visitor control in condominiums

We help you to easily keep track of the visits and packages you receive and deliver to your residents.

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Manage your condominium's packages.

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Control visitor access.

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Easy to use.

How does UnityQR work?

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Manages the packages.

Quickly register the packages arriving to your development.

Notifies the resident of the existence of new packages.

Delivers and generates a digital acknowledgement.

sample demo
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Controls visitors' access.

Generates a QR code for visitor entry.

Notifies the resident of a visitor's admission or access request.

Keeps a record of visitors' entry and exit

sample demo
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Manage your community.

Publish the rules of your condominium.

Generates important notices.

Reserve common areas.

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Contact Us

Keep the control of packages and visits in a simple way.




You will avoid the loss of packages or inconsistencies in the delivery and reception of the same.



Your condominium owners will know in a timely manner when they receive a package and the system will remind them to pick it up.



The system generates a digital acknowledgement when the resident receives his package.



A digital logbook with reliable information will be available for quick consultation.



Your security elements will have more time to attend to essential development activities.

Plans that fit your condominium.


    Unit price per month.

    Up to 100 units.


    Customized monthly price.

Keep the control of packages and visits in a simple way.

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    Easy to use

    Unity QR is very easy to use, it is designed to be intuitive.

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    All in one device

    We all have a mobile device.

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    Affordable price

    It is more expensive to lose a package.